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10 Reasons Engineers Make Good Partners

Ahh engineers. They are a breed of their own. Some of the smartest people out there, combined with a personality that can be confusing at first, if you are a free spirit, fly by the seat of your pants type like me. But once you understand them, you realize there are major pluses to having one as your partner.

1. They are extremely organized

It’s no secret that engineers tend to be somewhat particular about where their things go. They like to have easy access, up-to-date technology, working solutions, and organization in their world. Perhaps their idea of organization is not the same as yours, but being with an engineer means respecting their ways, as intruding in their system can be disruptive to their balance and ability to be productive. And you will enjoy leading an organized life with your loved one.

2. They know how to handle high-pressure and stressful situations well

Engineers encounter a lot of high stress situations at work, and they know they can’t lose their minds. This is actually a great thing for you if you are the partner of this logical type, because that means he or she won’t join you on the emotional rollercoaster, and instead be a calming force in the relationship.

3. They absorb information quickly

Men and women in the engineering profession acquire acute attention to detail. Not only does this mean they will want that specific type of cheese and will go to the store late at night just to get it, it also means they will remember special dates, things you said, small details, and be extremely thoughtful when in a relationship. They won’t necessarily show it in the lovey-dovey way – but they will remember to get you that one thing for your birthday you mentioned briefly months ago, and not even make a big fuss about it.

4. They make amazing teachers

Engineers have the ability to take a lot of information, and condense it into a few words. Working with a lot of data everyday, they have to categorize what’s important and what’s not, since prioritizing their efforts and energy is of the utmost importance when focusing on a project. This translates into their relationships as well. If you are lucky to be dating an engineer, or married to one like me, your household will not be one of many words, but the words will be very meaningful.

5. They have no problem committing to someone, or to something

Engineers are some of the most dedicated people, and they will work on one thing until it’s perfect. Committing to such a demanding career shows that they are not short-sighted, and this can translate to how they view their personal relationships as well. They don’t like to waste time with too many relationships, and would rather have more serious, quality partnerships. Quality over quantity can ring very true with this group.

6. They are actually very creative

The myth that engineers are math nerds could not be further from the truth. Engineers actually have to be very creative to come up with solutions for impossible problems on a daily basis. This sort of creativity requires a lot of brain power however, so many engineers blow off steam by doing something else creative, like playing an instrument, painting, or working on a “fun” project that tunes their ever-thinking brain out. Your home will never be a boring place.

7. They have the ability to think logically, think ahead, and make a plan

Being with an engineer means you always have a plan. Whether it’s for the weekend, your next trip, your meals, your future, or your finances. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with their level of brain organization, but you can rest assured that you are ultimately safe, and do not have to worry about a thing.

8. They are not lazy

Engineers never really rest. Even on their days “off”, they continue to engineer away in their mind. They may put off a project for a while to let the solution come to them, but they don’t give up and rarely get discouraged. They know there will be a solution – they just have to find it. This makes them incredible partners because they are willing to put work into solving your relationship problems until there is resolution.

9. They have a lot of initiative, and re-engineer everyday problems to find better, more functional solutions

This does mean that you will find their “solutions” around the house. Solutions for leaky pipes, or solutions for the neighbor’s cat who keeps leaving presents in your lawn. Nevertheless, they solve everyday problems themselves, without having to call a professional. You can trust that if your house is flooding and the roof is on fire, they will figure something out.

10. They have an impressive ability to admit mistakes and re-work their approach

Because their work can require a lot of trial and error, engineers learn to rethink their strategies constantly. This translates nicely into relationships, as it makes them more likely to examine a behavior that may not be producing very good results (and making you mad), and look for ways to change it to achieve better results.
If you are lucky to have found yourself one of these gems, celebrate their qualities, appreciate their talents, show that you see how hard they work, and most of all, enjoy the perks of having such a thoughtful partner!
Featured photo credit: Nathan Fertig via

Couple on Bench 

10 Things Your Older Sister Never Told You

When you are the younger child in a family you have to listen not only to your parents, but to older siblings as well. A younger sister will often complain about being treated like a baby, or being bossed around by her much older sister when they were younger, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for big sis either. There are a bunch of things that your older sister never really complained about or feel the need to tell you about, knowing that you will come to understand such things when you get older.

1. She spent years as a single child and lived under stricter rules

When your parents had her they didn’t really know what they were doing and they felt incredibly protective, so your sister ended up living under very strict rules. By the time you came along, they had already learned to be a bit more lenient. Your sister essentially paved the way for you, and there were times when she wished you appreciated that fact a bit more.

2. She was put up to higher standards because she was the older one

Not only did she have to take the full brunt of your parents’ attention before you came along, but she was actually held accountable later on, because she was the older one who needs to know better. She’d take a bullet for you from time to time, and while it was frustrating it helped her become a more mature and responsible person, and having a successful older sibling can be beneficial for you as well.

3. More often than not, she’d find herself trying to be a good role model

Since your older sister was forced to act a lot more mature than other kids her age, she’d end up thinking about her choices and actions, because she knew full well that you looked up to her. Although she might have wanted to be a bit irresponsible and have fun, at times she had to use self-control and try to set a good example.

4. She made things easier for you by giving you her hard-earned bits of wisdom

When she went through rough times, got in fights with mom and dad, had trouble in school – she had to figure it all out for herself. She had to take a few hard falls in order to get back up stronger, but she was more than happy to give you all the little tips, tricks and gems of wisdom that she learned the hard way. The advice might have seemed as nagging at times, but she just didn’t want you to go through all the troubled that she did.  

5. She knew you’d have to make some of the same mistakes, but couldn’t talk you out of it

While she did her best to give you some pointers and guidelines, some things you just have to experience for yourself to truly appreciate. There were times when she watched you make mistakes, and she knew that you wouldn’t listen, but she was still there to comfort you afterwards.

6. She also gave your parents tips and helped them deal with you

Of course, it is inevitable to have a few stern talks with your parents and get punished, but what you didn’t appreciate when you were younger was the fact that your older sister gave parents some insight into how you felt and helped them find the best way to approach you in that situation. She took up the role of mediator when it was necessary, and even sided with you when you were clearly in the wrong.

7. It both excited and frightened her when you became old enough to start dating

When you have a much older sister you are always the baby in the family, but as you grow older there comes a point where you can speak to each other as friends as well. It’s usually about the time you start dating. She gives you tips on how to deal with the confusing mess that is the teenage girl’s psyche, and you can also learn some useful tips on makeup and what to expect from boys.
Talking with your parents about sex is a weird experience, but your older sister can provide some much-needed guidance without you feel too uncomfortable. On one hand your sister was glad that she will be able to share such things with you, but on the other hand she was worried that you might get your heart broken.

8. When she critiqued you or teased you, it was so that you would become a better person

Sometimes your older sister would seem mean, like she didn’t care about your problems or like she just wanted to tease you for the fun of it. However, a lot of the time it was used as a means of motivating you to do better or to toughen up – wanting to prove someone wrong or “show them” is the best source of motivation. If things go a little too far, it’s easy to make a sincere apology and make up, so this tough love tends to become a common strategy.

9. She had to act as teacher, caretaker and bodyguard, and she didn’t always know what she was doing

An older sister will stand up for you, help you out with bullies, feed you, help you out with homework and teach you valuable skills. The thing is, she didn’t receive any formal training and she didn’t really know what she was doing a lot of the time. However, that didn’t stop her from trying her best to keep you safe and help you out with anything you needed. An older sister’s boyfriend is also a great influence and can have “the talk” with your new boyfriend.

10. She knew that she’d be the first one you call in an emergency and was ready for anything

An older sister has to be ready for literally anything. Driving you home wasted from a party, helping you sober up and cleaning up the mess so the parents don’t find out? Check. Taking you shopping? Check. Borrowing you cash so you can go to a concert you’ve been waiting for? Check. Your sister used to get into all kinds of trouble herself and understand that she has to be ready to help you out with similar problems, and perhaps even some unique ones that she never came across. It’s not a big surprise to her when you come to her in a panic, but she will make sure that you know how big of a favor she is doing for you.
These are just some of the things that a much older sister went through, but never really wanted to mention. At the end of the day, she loves you like no one else in the whole world, and while she did help make you into the person you are today, she is aware that you, in turn, had a big positive effect on her life as well.

Older sister and younger sister

Why Being “Too Busy” Is The Biggest Lie We’ve Been Told

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’m too busy”? “I’m too busy to meet this person…” “I’m too busy to take care of my health…” “I’m too busy to learn a language…” We take in a big sigh, and even lead ourselves to believe that being “too busy” is something worth celebrating. I’ve certainly been guilty of this many times over.
In a world of rapid change, infinite access, and countless distractions, our society has built a culture around celebrating “keeping busy”, for the sake of… well, keeping busy. But there’s a massive difference between activity and performance. We can be efficient in a lot of things in our lives, without ever being effective. 
Here’s why telling ourselves that we’re “too busy” can lead to a negative cycle.

We Reap What We Sow

Have you ever bought a new car, and suddenly you start to notice all the cars that are identical to the one you just bought? Or maybe you got a new dog, and you start paying attention to all the dogs that are walking across the sidewalk.
It’s not that the manufacturers of your car suddenly decided to release more models in your city, nor did the population of dogs hit a spike. It means that your Reticular Activating System is at work. Without boring you with the scientific details (TL;DR right?), your RAS is the automatic mechanism inside your brain that tells you what to pay attention to, and what not to. Think of it as a filter for the brain.
As bland as the name may sound, it’s an incredibly important part of our brain since it’s the gatekeeper that determines how we think – consciously or subconsciously. One of the greatest examples of the RAS at work is when Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile in 1954, which was claimed to be impossible at the time. A year after he broke the record, over a dozen people also beat the record, including high school students.
ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS, MAY 3-4 - FILE - In this May 6, 1954, file photo, British Athlete Roger Bannister breaks the tape to become the first man ever to break the four minute barrier in the mile at Iffly Field in Oxford, England. With the 60th anniversary approaching, Bannister, now 85, is reliving those four minutes that still endure as a seminal moment in sports history. He has a new autobiography out and is marking the anniversary with a series of events at Oxford, where he set the record on a cinder track all those years ago. (AP Photo/File)
The reason why we bring up RAS is because there’s two ways to control our brain:
  1. Consciously: By purposefully setting goals, affirmations, and visualizing our goals, we can create a filter that enables our brain to focus on anything that will get us closer to our goals.
  2. Sub-consciously: By telling ourselves “we don’t have time”, our brain is going to find every reason to justify why we don’t have time.
Since our brain will eventually believe whatever message we feed it, telling ourselves that we’re “too busy” only becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Being Busy Is Not Being Productive

I would often find myself busy scrambling to finish my to-do list for the week. It’s only when I take a step back to reflect that I realize there were only 3 things on that list that made an actual impact to my end goals.
So let’s talk about the key differences between being busy vs. being productive (effective):
  • Busy people have many priorities, productive people have few big priorities.
  • Busy people focus on action, productive people focus on clarity before taking action.
  • Busy people multitask, productive people focus on one task at a time.
  • Busy people react to emails immediately, productive people carve out a portion of the day to answer all of their emails at once.
  • Busy people talk about how they’re “too busy”, productive people make time for what’s important.
Did you say “yes” to more of the busy category or the productive category?
The truth is, all of us have the time to do anything we want: spend time with family, learn a language, go to the gym, cook a healthy meal, etc. We just can’t do everything we want.
We should also consider the Pareto’s Law: In nearly anything we do in our lives, only ~20% of our inputs (i.e. activities, tasks, money, time) will deliver ~80% of our desired results.
This means that if you’re
  • Learning a new language: focus on one solution that will give you 80% of your desired result (i.e. reaching conversation fluency)
  • Building a business: focus on the few vital features that deliver 80% of satisfaction to your customers
  • Getting in shape: focus on the few exercises that can workout 80% of your body
So how do we put this into action? A solution that has been working incredibly well for me is asking one simple question…

What’s Your ONE Thing?

In the bestselling book, The ONE Thing, Gary Keller describes it as “the ‘one thing’ you can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.” You can apply this concept to your business life, personal life, physical health, finances, etc.
As simple as this exercise may sound, it’s one of the most difficult questions I ask myself. Essentially, you’re forcing yourself to say “no” to the good opportunities, so that you can make way for the opportunities that can change your life. Sometimes those lines are blurred, but by simply asking the right question: you can stop being “too busy”, and start being productive.

The Takeaway

Ask yourself: are you saying “yes” to too many things? If you are, it may be time to reprioritize your goals and activities. For the rest of the day (or week if you can), try approaching anything that comes at you by asking: is this my “ONE Thing?”
If the answer is “no”, then move on. Remember, saying “no” to the mediocre will open up the opportunity to say “yes” to the extraordinary.


When You Start to Enjoy Being Alone, These 10 Things Will Happen

Some people think of “being alone” as a bad thing. It either means you’re anti-social, or unwanted, neither of which are a good position to be in.
But actually, being alone isn’t’ necessarily a bad thing, as there are a handful of benefits that emerge once you learn to embrace solitude.
I’m not advocating you go all Tom Hanks in Cast Away, because no one can argue the benefits, and the joys, that come along with fulfilling relationships with other people.
But I am saying that once you learn to enjoy being alone, you’re going to grow as a person.
Below are ten amazing things that will happen in your life when you start to enjoy being alone.

1. You’ll get to recharge.

Often times when we’re surrounded by other people, we’re expending a lot of energy. Trying to keep others happy, make them laugh, soothe their egos, read their emotions, and all of the other rigors that come along with regular interaction.
It can be mentally draining if you’re constantly connected to other people. A little alone time lets you recharge and take a break from the emotionally and mentally taxing job of constant interaction.

2. You’ll reflect more often.

Your life is always moving at a crazy fast pace. So fast in fact, that it’s probably rare when you have a moment alone to sit and reflect on your life.
Being alone gives you the perfect opportunity for a little self reflection. Since you aren’t spending so much time processing the thoughts and feelings of others, it’s the best time to turn your focus inwards.
Solitude provides the perfect environment for reflection.

3. You’ll get in touch with your own emotions.

Again, when you’re surrounded by other people all the time, you’re constantly trying to read, and cater to, the other persons’s emotions. So much so, that you could end up losing touch with your own.
When you start to enjoy being alone, you’ll gain a greater perspective for your own emotions. You’ll create a deeper understanding of what makes you happy, what upsets you, and what saddens you.
With that knowledge, it’s then easier to regulate your emotions. But it all starts with understanding how you feel, and that comes from a little bit of solitude.

4. You’ll start doing things you actually enjoy.

When you’re constantly in the company of other people, you’re always making compromises in order to find solutions that the entire group can enjoy. And unfortunately, the things you want most, may not always line up with what the group wants.
So it’s easy to enjoy being alone once you realize that doing so gives you more freedom to do the things you actually want to do.

5. You’ll become more productive.

Being in the company of other people can be fun and entertaining, but it can also seriously affect your productivity. There are times when the company of other people acts as nothing more than a distraction from getting your work done.
Time spent alone can be some of the most productive time in your life—mostly because there are less distractions, and you can just put your head down and get to work.

6. You’ll enjoy your relationships even more.

When you spend time alone on a regular basis, and eventually start to enjoy being alone, you’ll come to find that you also enjoy your relationships with other people even more.
And that’s because the time spent alone gives you a greater appreciation for yourself.
But it also let’s you appreciate all the great things that come from your relationships with other people, most of which you were oblivious to before.

7. You’ll feel more independent.

Once you enjoy being alone, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to actually be alone. And that naturally leads to you feeling more independent.
You’ll no longer feel that anxiety, or burning desire for company, once you learn to enjoy being alone. You won’t feel the need for constant interaction with other people, or the anxiety associated with looking around and seeing no one but yourself.

8. You’ll get a break from constantly trying to keep other people happy.

Life is filled with relationships, and most relationships only last when both people are kept happy. And that can turn into a draining job depending who that relationship is with. Now, this does’t only apply to personal relationships, but every kind of relationship.
Once you’re alone, the only person’s happiness you have to worry about in that moment, is your own. You can treat yourself to thing that makes you happy, but may have upset someone else.

9. You won’t have to apologize for anything.

When you start to enjoy being alone, you’ll quickly see that solitude means you don’t have to keep apologizing for what you’ve done. So often, we do things that end up upsetting other people, or hurting someone else’s feelings, and then have to quickly apologize for it.
But when you’re alone, you don’t have to apologize for anything. And that takes a lot of pressure out of most situations. You get to stop second guessing everything you say, or every move you make because you’re afraid someone is going to be offended, or saddened, and angered.

10. You’ll stop looking for validation.

So often we feel we the need to get the “OK” from our friends and family before we take action. We constantly look to other people for advice on what we should do next.
Of course, there are times where it’s not only perfectly acceptable to ask for advice, but downright necessary. But there are also times where we’re perfectly capable of acting on our own, be we instead of looking to others for an answer.
When you start to spend more time alone, you’ll learn to trust your instincts and make decisions without any third party validation.
Featured photo credit: Meditation – Higher Ground via

enjoy being alone 

19 Real Life Examples of An Extroverted Introvert So You Don’t Get Confused

If you’re like me, you’re an extroverted introvert. You can be outgoing, yet you desperately need your alone time.
You can’t do that. You’re one or the other.
No, this is how I am. And that’s how many other people are. But we’re often misunderstood.
Take for instance, people often see me as completely, inarguably, extroverted because that’s the personality that gets the most attention. The other side of me, the side that stays home and reads all day, doesn’t get any attention (but I love doing that, take a look at my reading list if you don’t believe me).
Let me tell you what happened a few weekends ago.
I spent Saturday alone, reading, writing, getting errands done. At 8:54 pm, I got a text from a friend, asking what I was up to. He was making plans to go out. I responded, “Nothing. What’s up?”
Fifteen minutes passed and he didn’t respond. I wanted to go out and considered calling him to see what was happening, but also wanted to sit in bed and read a book before going to bed at 10 pm. So I didn’t call.
Another fifteen minutes passed and I finally made the call. It took half an hour and a significant amount of energy for me to put down my book, pick up my phone, and call him to figure out the plan for that night.
So instead of staying in and reading myself to sleep, I left my apartment at 9:30 pm to go out for drinks.
And you know what I did? I danced. And I was obnoxious. And I had tons of fun.
But the next day? I sat at a coffee shop and read a book. I did some grocery shopping, cooked, and ate alone while watching Netflix. I spoke to almost no one. I only texted my friend who I went out with the night before to see how he was doing. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. And I loved it.
So yes I’m outgoing. But not all the time.
The fact is, extroversion and introversion isn’t an either/or type of thing. It’s a spectrum and you can lie anywhere along that spectrum.
For us, we happen to be very close to the middle and even flip-flop between the two.
I know, it’s confusing.
Some of us learned to become more extroverted because we realize that the basis of human nature is grounded in interacting with each other – it’s kind of unavoidable.
To relieve you of some confusion, here are a few things we’d like you to know about extroverted introverts.

1. We’re often quiet, but it doesn’t mean we don’t want to talk.

We most likely have plenty of thoughts we want to talk about, but think that they won’t interest you. We’d rather listen to you talk because we want to learn about you and we know you’d enjoy talking.

2. And just because we like being around people doesn’t mean we want to talk.

Talking requires a lot of effort. For us, being around people is often enough to make us happy. I know, it’s a little confusing.

3. We like hanging out one on one better than in groups. We’ll listen to you forever.

One on one hangouts are more intimate and we like that. It means we get a chance to actually get to know you and have a thorough conversation about what we really care about instead of making small talk that an entire group can contribute to.

4. We suck at responding to texts because sometimes we don’t want to talk – to anyone.

It’s not that we hate people or that we’re annoyed. Sometimes we’ve just been around people so much that we’re exhausted from talking and texting and Skyping and we just don’t want to talk. We’re totally open to hanging out in person, just don’t expect us to talk too much when we’re in one of these moods.

5. We’re open to meeting your other friends. Just let us know ahead of time that we’ll be meeting new people so we can mentally prepare ourselves to socialize.

We’re not closed off to meeting new people, it’s just a very exhausting thing to do. So we literally have to prepare ourselves to socialize. We have to get into the mindset of, “Okay, I’m going to be talking a lot.”

6. Despite needing our alone time, we do get lonely.

It’s difficult to balance between alone time and not feeling lonely. Often we’ll want to go out because we feel alone, but our apartment is so comfortable that we won’t want to leave.

7. It’s hard to get us out, but we’ll have a great time when we go out.

Sometimes we’ll require some coercing to get us out of the house. Again, it’s not that we don’t want to go out, we just start thinking, “What if it’s not fun? I could totally be reading my book. What if the tickets are sold out? What if they don’t actually want me to go and they’re just inviting me to be nice? We begin to draw into our own heads and make up things that could go wrong and use them as excuses to not go out.

8. We’ll happily chat up your parents/friends/girlfriend/boyfriend/boss/etc., but once it’s over, we require silence.

After so much talking, we really need to recharge.

9. We’re not always the most talkative people in a group, but if someone is in need of a social life jacket, we can step up and offer that.

Again, we’ll happily chat someone up if the situation arises. We get that conversation can be uncomfortable, so if we see someone who is worse than us at holding a conversation, then we’ll take the initiative to make them feel more comfortable.

10. We live in our heads even if it seems like we put ourselves out there.

Even when we’re being outgoing, our thoughts are still running and analyzing the situation.

11. Because we can be outgoing and calculated at the same time, sometimes we end up being leaders. But that does not mean we want praise, nor do we want to talk about how great we are.

People seem to think that we’re fit to be leaders. We can stand up and talk in front of crowds when we need to. We can make decisions when we need to. But we often analyze ourselves and don’t think highly of our skill sets. Sometimes we don’t believe we’re good enough to lead. We always think we can be better so praise often makes us cringe.

12. We bounce between wanting to be noticed for our hard work to panicking over the thought of somebody else paying more than 30 seconds of attention to us.

Sometimes we want attention, other times it’s hard to believe anyone would spend more than 10 seconds on us.

13. People think we’re flirtatious. We’re not.

We understand that interacting with people is a necessary part of life. So we make an effort to do it intentionally, and genuinely want people to know that they have our undivided interest and attention.

14. We get mad at ourselves for wanting to stay in and letting our friends down.

Which is why we sometimes force ourselves to go out. To let our friends know that we enjoy spending time with them, not because we want to be out.

15. We’re at our happiest in places like coffee shops and cafés: surrounded by people, but still closed off and keeping to yourself.

We just like being around people, even if they’re strangers. It’s the compromise of being around people but not having to talk to them.

16. We have a constant inner struggle of controlling our introverted side.

It’s frustrating because we’ll realize when we start withdrawing into our own minds and become extremely introspective. It happens when we’re in really big crowds. And the only thought is, “Oh no, it’s happening. No. I have to talk to someone now. But it’s so difficult. No. Yes, you have to talk or else you’re going to end up in your head for the rest of the night.”

17. We really don’t like small talk.

We’d avoid small talk if we could. We want to really get to know you. We want to know what you think about, what your goals are, what your family is like. We don’t want to talk about how bad the weather is. But if that’s what you’re comfortable talking about, then we’ll talk about it.

18. We don’t actually have a staple “group” of friends.

We often pick and choose one or two individuals from different social groups that make up our closest friends. But we make this handful of best friends our life and we’d do anything for them.

19. If we like you, we really like you. We’re extremely picky about who we spend our time and energy on. If we’ve hung out multiple times, take it as a compliment.

Seriously. If it’s such a struggle to talk to people and if we get so exhausting going out, it’s a big deal if we’re willing to spend our time and energy with you. It isn’t to say that we’re full of ourselves. We just wouldn’t want to spend that energy with people whose company we don’t enjoy.
Featured photo credit: Unsplash via

extroverted introvert 0 

To Reach Your Goals, Start With Planning For The Worst

To reach your goals you need determination, a positive attitude, and an absolute belief that you can achieve what you want. However, another important factor is to prepare for bumps in the road, obstacles and interruptions that could potentially crop up on your quest for achievement.
This may seem like a pessimistic mindset – after all, aren’t we meant to have an unwavering belief that we can attain what we want no matter what? Well actually it’s an important element in achieving success. We will undoubtedly come across challenges enough to make us wonder if we’re able to achieve our goal at all. But with a plan in place, these challenges can be fought and overcome much more easily making that road to success a much less bumpy one. Preparing for the worst can give us a sense of security and lessens the fears and anxieties that can naturally surface on the journey.

80% Positive Energy, 20% Worry

Let’s face it, even the most ambitious of us still get niggling doubts of worry. When it comes to achieving our goals, fear manifested as worry is the number one blocker to many people even contemplating going after their dreams. When we enter the journey we feel vulnerable to failure and much of the time we are spending most of our precious energy on worrying.
By preparing for the worst, you can reach your goals much more smoothly and you can put more of your energy in having a positive attitude knowing that you’ve covered any eventualities and lessening the negative chatter in your head. By doing this you naturally create a smaller percentage of time thinking and fearing obstacles because you already have a plan in place.

Misconceptions Around Preparing For The Worst

By their very nature, goals aren’t always easy and straight-forward to achieve. This is so strong that many don’t even try or just believe their goals are unattainable. Many also believe that preparing for the worst is some sort of excuse lurking in the back of the mind telling you that it can’t really happen. But actually it’s the opposite of that – it’s a very smart move.
Our happiness and emotional well-being is sometimes overlooked when we try to reach our goals. We focus on the end result adding to our happiness but the journey along the way shouldn’t compromise this. Preparing for eventualities can be thought of as a safety net for our emotional well-being. When we suffer setbacks and failures we are understandably brought down and it’s these instances that can stop us from carrying on altogether.
When we prepare for the worst, we are actually clearing our worries and calming our emotions which, in the long run, will be greatly beneficial to accomplishing our goals.

How To Effectively Prepare For The Worst To Reach Your Goals

It’s all about planning ahead. Sometimes it can be hard to evaluate all eventualities but if you get the basics down you’re half way there. With any situation in life where we put ourselves out there, there is a chance we could fall. It’s the excitement of life but also creates fear in most of us.
Whatever your dream or goal is, make time to sit and think about possible scenarios. Money, for example is a big factor when it comes to whether or not we even start going for our dreams. The worry of money, or lack of, is a big one. Say you’ve decided to give up your boring desk job to chase after your dream career. This could pose a big risk around money and even threatens to run out if it takes longer than expected. So put aside money any way you can and ask yourself questions like whether you would need to move to a cheaper place? If so, where could you potentially move to? Are there people you could move in with if you needed to? Could you get a loan from the bank? If so, look into different types of loans to see if any would suit you.
If you couldn’t reach your goal, what would you want to do instead? What alternatives are there that would equally make you happy? If you wanted to become a writer, could you go into teaching instead? Or maybe even go back to studying? Perhaps start your own business? Having options helps calm your mind and allow you to not fear difficult situations. It also gives you hope that if you don’t end up achieving your goal, other options are equally as good.
So remember, preparing for the worst will actually allow you to achieve your goals much more easily and eliminate bumps that, if unprepared for, could cause you to give up altogether.
I’ll leave you with a great quote by the late American author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar. “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalise on what comes.” In other words, don’t fear the obstacles – plan for them and make use of them when they come. That way, you will gain a sense of achievement either way.
Can’t wait to set your goals but are clueless about what to do first?Lifehack Goal Setting System can give you the insights!
What is that?
A hearty system that makes every small progress counts.
How would it help?
For every goal you add, you will receive practical and useful articles that guide you through the process and achieve remarkable outcomes.
What’s better than embarking on your goal setting journey by keeping yourself healthy first?
Check the following six goals and subscribe the ones you need!

reach your goals 

Try These 10 Awesome DIYs For Home Improvement

Owning a home gives a great sense of pride since it marks your independence. It is home where you make most of your happy memories. But home is not something that remains the same forever.
Like everything else, it ages and weathers down. There are always things in and around your beloved home that need continuous improvement for it to be the home you want it to be.
You should definitely spend some time on home improvement projects. We have put together a list of some simple and great DIY ideas for home improvement.

1. Paint or paper the walls

Without a doubt, painting your home comes first on the list of things to do for home improvement. Paint is what makes the home look alive while also keeping it from deteriorating over time.
You’ve got plenty of walls and ceilings to paint with your favorite colors. If painting seems like too tough a job for you, you could also try wallpaper. There are all kinds of wallpapers available on the market that are easy to apply, remove, and reuse.

2. Upgrade your kitchen

Space for storage is never enough in the kitchen, and things seem to constantly add up. Creative use of the space in your kitchen can boost the storage. Take advantage of corners and walls with open shelves to keep spices, dishes, and cookware within easy reach.
Rollouts multiply the storage significantly by using the wasted space inside cabinets to create space for your cutlery, dishes, and everything else. Make it your weekend project to decorate your shelves and cabinetry with the best decorative ideas you have. If you are crafty enough, you can even try building a wine rack.

3. Fence the swimming pool

Having a swimming pool in your yard is great. You can spend some quality time there, but it can also be dangerous — especially if there are little kids in the family. For pool owners, fencing the pool should be on top of the to-do list for home improvement.
Different types of DIY pool fences are available on the market and they can be easily installed without much hassle.

4. Upgrade the bathroom

Changing small details can mean big differences in your bathroom. Check the bath fixtures and change them when it feels like they need to be replaced.
Some simple changes you can make to upgrade your bathroom could be changing the faucet or installing a new shower head (perhaps a handheld or a sliding bar shower head to make quick adjustment for different heights, from adults to small children). Try mounting your old CD organizers on the wall to organize your hygiene products, or install an extra shower rod with shower hooks to keep your scrubbers available and within easy reach.

5. Rearrange your furniture

You don’t always have to add or remove things to change the look of your home. Moving things around can give your home a different feel. Start with one room at a time.
Rearrange the bookshelves. Move your chair to a different corner. Move your bed next to the window so you can see the stars at night. You could also try moving the extra table to another room. You’ll be surprised to see how these simple changes can alter your mindset.

6. Update your hardware

Change your doorknobs and cabinet pulls to give them a new look. Changing them all at once might get expensive, so do it one at a time, making it one of your weekend home improvement projects.
When you install new doorknobs, the old ones needn’t go to waste. Use them in the bathroom as hangers for your robes and towels. All you need is a screwdriver and it’ll be done in no time.

7. Accessorize your entryway

Add details to your entryway to make it inviting. Put a nice welcome mat and keep potted plants on the sides near the entrance. Dress the door with accessories and new hardware, like a grand set of pulls and a caller. Install outdoor lighting to enhance your home’s appeal.
Adding these little details to your entrance gives it a distinct personality and makes a lasting impression on guests.

8. Add some greenery

Your home’s exterior can make up half of what you call home, so it most definitely cannot be neglected. Craft the landscape beautifully to add elegance to your home.
Well-laid turf is always an inviting sight. Plants and flowers make it feel fresh and lively and evergreen screens make your garden and backyard look elegant. Build raised flower beds to plant beautiful flowers. Drought-tolerant plants that last all year round are a good idea rather than using seasonal plants. Routine trimming and cutting are obvious jobs in the garden.

9. Amp up home security

There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home. A home is no home unless it gives you a sense of safety and security. So, home security is as important as anything else on your to-do list for home improvement.
Installing a burglar alarm and surveillance cameras could be a good idea to secure your property. Remember to check the systems routinely and learn how to set them up on your own — just in case.
This is worth your time and money because it will give you a sense of security and allow you sleep peacefully at night with the knowledge that your property is secure.

10. Light up poorly lit areas

If there are places in the house where the lighting is not ample, paint these areas with bright colors and install electric lights. If your closets look like they could use some light, set up Christmas lights around the edges of the doors. Install halogen track lights on the walls to add light where you need it. Install lights with dimmer switches to take control of the mood. Lighting up your home properly at nights gives it a distinct personality and creates a lively ambiance.
Featured photo credit: Youtube via

country home 

10 Delicious Ways to Increase Your Fiber Intake to Lose Weight More Easily

Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can help you stay fuller longer and keep your weight down is fiber-rich foods.

Benefits of Fiber for Your Health and Weight Loss:

Fiber is basically calorie-free because the body doesn’t absorb the calories from fiber when you eat it. Fiber also helps slow down blood sugar and stabilizes insulin which is another key part of healthy weight loss and even disease prevention. The best sources of fiber are whole foods, however, not powdered fiber drinks and gels that can sometimes cause discomfort. Think of fiber as part of a bigger picture: whole foods contain not just fiber but also enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and natural sugars that help energize and nourish your body.

The Best Places to Get Your Fiber From:

The best sources of fiber are vegetables, greens, fruits, and whole grains. After that you can choose to add in fiber-rich foods such as nuts and seeds. Fiber is also only found in plant foods, not animal foods, which is one reason diets high in plants are so healthy.

Delicious Fiber-Rich Recipes to Help You Lose Weight:

Here are 10 delicious ways to increase your fiber intake to lose weight more easily, all straight from whole food sources. Eat up, your waistline will thank you!

1. Peanut Butter Cup Chia Seed Pudding

Source: Emilie Eats
Chia seeds aren’t just a superfood and packed with omega-3 fats, they’re also a great source of fiber and help keep you hydrated since they absorb water in the body. Make this chia seed pudding and enjoy it for a snack or even as a replacement for your morning cereal once in awhile!

2. Pineapple Coconut Green Protein Smoothie

Source: The Soulful Spoon
This protein smoothie isn’t just filled with tropical flavor, it’s also packed with plant-based fiber too! Greens, coconut, pineapple, and plant-based protein powders are all great sources of fiber. Here in this smoothie recipe, they’re paired together for a delicious shake you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch, a snack, or even dessert!

3. Oats and Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies

Source: Food, Pleasure, and Health
Oats and pumpkin are two of the best sources of fiber you can eat because they’re low in calories and high in nutrition. Oats are also one of the best foods you can eat for your cholesterol levels, and oats and pumpkin are both good sources of iron along with soluble fiber which is easier on the body to digest than insoluble fiber. Try them together in these tasty breakfast cookies, and start your mornings off with a sweet treat that’s actually good for you!

4. Zucchini Bread Overnight Oatmeal

Source: Be Whole, Be You
Everyone knows how to make overnight oats by now, that’s old news! Let’s make something creamier, fluffier, and more nutrient-dense with our oats, what do ya say? Try this zucchini-based oatmeal which tastes just like zucchini bread but without all the sugar and eggs. Plus, by adding zucchini to oatmeal, you get to eat a higher volume meal which helps you stay satisfied longer without taking in too many calories from fat or sugar. You’ll never taste the green, promise!

5. Vegan Breakfast Bowl

Source: Contentedness Cooking
Not only does this breakfast bowl have heart-healthy and fiber-rich oats, but it also includes a variety of berries that are some of the best sources of fiber you can eat. Pair this with your favorite non-dairy milk, and you’ve got a vegan, plant-based, and fiber-rich breakfast of champions! 6.

6. Toasted Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

Source: The Almond Eater
This grain-free breakfast by The Almond Eater is packed with healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants thanks to the use of shredded coconut and chia seeds. Just be sure you use unsweetened coconut to avoid excessive sugar found in regular shredded coconut. Pair this with some caramelized bananas like she did, and you can have breakfast for dessert and get a nice dose of fiber for the day too!

7. Low-Carb Grain-Free Apple Crumb Muffins

Source: Sugar-Free Mom
Did you know you can replace flour with ground flax? It not only eliminates the need for flour, but also eggs and oil too. Flax also makes for a delicious way to eat more fiber each day since it has a nutty, grainy texture even though it is a seed. Plus, it’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and potassium. Just be sure you choose ground flax since whole flax can’t be absorbed by the body, and always store your flax in the fridge since the natural oils found in it can go rancid more quickly than regular nuts and seeds. Try ground flax in these tasty grain-free muffins and you might never want white flour again!

8. Paleo Chocolate Pudding

Source: The Wicked Spatula
Cocoa and avocados are packed with fiber, and they’re also rich in antioxidants, potassium and magnesium too. Pair them together in a delicious pudding where you’ll never taste the avocado. This Paleo pudding has no dairy, refined sugar, or even added fats from oil. Just four ingredients and you have a delicious dessert that’s so healthy, you could even eat it for breakfast if you wanted to!

8. Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bites

Source: Chef Savvy
Oats, cocoa, and peanut butter also contain fiber and antioxidants, and peanut butter and oats are both good sources of plant-based protein too. Pair them all together in a healthy energy bite that’s low in sugar, dairy-free, and perfect for an afternoon treat or even dessert!

9. Banana Zucchini Oatmeal Cups

Source: The Hummusapien
Here we have zucchini again because it’s a delicious way to bake and reduce the calorie content while improving the fiber and moisture content of a recipe at the same time. Try Hummusapien’s delicious banana-filled oatmeal cups that sneak in some zucchini and even fiber-rich flax seeds too!

10. Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup

Source:  Oh She Glows
Lentils are one of the most heart-healthy, waist-friendly, and easy-to-digest beans you can eat. They’re also loaded with antioxidants and potassium to help you stay energized and reduce inflammation. Here in this soup recipe, lentils are paired with sweet and savory tomatoes, a variety of veggies, and some herbs and spices without lots of sodium. You can enjoy this for lunch or dinner, and it makes a great fiber-rich dish you can enjoy all year round!
Eating more fiber is the easiest approach to not only take in more fiber but also improve your heart health and digestion too! Just be careful of one thing: you never want to overload on fiber if your body isn’t used to it; start by adding a little more than you normally do and increase it from there.  Fiber is a healthy nutrient you need for weight loss, but overwhelming your system at once can cause discomfort and bloating. The bottom line? A little fiber goes a long way!
Featured photo credit: Contentedness Cooking via



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